Find out more on the new website

Moneyhouse is what you find when you search for companies in Switzerland. Or the people who run them. Now you can also find what else Moneyhouse can do.

Anyone searching for information about a Swiss company on Google will usually find it on Since 2004, Moneyhouse has been scanning all cantonal commercial registers, preparing the scattered information in a clear and concise manner – and its results are always in the top ranks of the search results.

Unfortunately, many visitors quickly bounce back after their search hit. And therefore do not discover that Moneyhouse now offers much more: For example, a complete overview of all vacancies, daily updated data on the creditworthiness of companies and individuals, targeted addresses for marketing – and much more information. A relaunch of the website should ensure that visitors stay longer.

Arne Völker segments the visitors according to target groups. He teases in short bites what other smart data Moneyhouse can show apart from the commercial register. On detail pages, he lures previously anonymous users into free registration. And sells one or the other a premium subscription.

Task: UX texts · Customer: Moneyhouse · Agency: Aebi, Völker, And · In Use: since 2016 · Arne Völker conceptualizes and writes the text: Home page, navigation, customer segments, segment pages, product pages, product tables, calls-to-action · URL (Live):

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